
Females and Males

Male respondents among the general public were more likely than females were to rate the groundwater quality in their area as good (54 to 32 percent). Male and female students also differ in their perceptions of groundwater quality, but with a smaller gap—37 percent of male students and 29 percent of female students rated it as good.

What is the quality of groundwater in your area?

Respondents showed a notable change in their awareness of groundwater quality in their area in comparison to previous studies. Perceptions of groundwater quality by respondents differs by their water source, engagement in farming, and gender.

Water Source

Well water users among the general public—nearly half of that group’s survey respondents—have a more positive view of groundwater quality than those who are connected to city or rural water systems. However, the 2022 Iowa Rural Drinking Water Survey found that well water users generally believe their wells are safe—but that only 9 percent had tested the water from the well in the previous year, and most likely responded based on their assumptions rather than on test results. This significant lack of regular well-water testing makes it highly likely that survey respondents do not know the true quality of groundwater in their area.

Farmers and Non-Farmers

Those who farm have more confidence in quality of groundwater today than a decade ago. Of those engaged in farming, 56 percent of the general public and 55 percent of students view groundwater quality as good—perhaps indicating these perceptions are deeply embedded in the farming community and overlap generations.

Those who don’t farm have less confidence in quality of groundwater compared to a decade ago. Of respondents not engaged in farming, only 38 percent of the general public and 29 percent of students believe groundwater quality to be good.

Very little was raised about groundwater in the listening sessions. Only one female farmer discussed drinking and groundwater concerns:

I want the quality of my water that we drink and use in our home protected and that we give to our livestock protected. I’m more worried about the water underneath the earth getting polluted. The earth does its best job [with groundwater]…And the farmers, they’re drinking it too. So I don’t know, there are few of us out there, but the voice maybe isn’t as strong.
Female Farmer